Download the .cs file here
#define CSHARP7

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Benchmarking
    public class CastTesting
        class Result
            public long Time { get; set; }
            public string Label { get; set; }

        public static Type A()
            return typeof(A);

        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Starting benchmark...");

            SortedDictionary<long, string> results = new SortedDictionary<long, string>();
            Console.WriteLine("Starting baseline...");
            long baseline = BenchmarkType(new Baseline());
            Console.WriteLine("Finished baseline. Baseline = {0}ms.", baseline);
            var casters = (from t in typeof(CastTesting).Assembly.GetTypes()
                         where t.GetInterface("ICaster") != null && t.Name != "Baseline" && t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) != null
                         select (ICaster)Activator.CreateInstance(t)).ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < casters.Length; ++i)
                var caster = casters[i];
                string name = caster.GetType().Name;
                Console.WriteLine("Beginning {0}", name);
                long result = BenchmarkType(caster);
                results[result] = name;
                Console.WriteLine("Done with {0} in {3}: {1}/{2}", name, i, casters.Length, result);

            long fastestTime = results.First().Key - baseline;
            foreach (var kvp in results)
                long thisTime = kvp.Key - baseline;
                double slowDown = (1 - 1.0 * fastestTime / thisTime) * 100;
                Console.WriteLine("{0,-40}: {1,-8}  {2:0.##}% slower than fastest.", kvp.Value, thisTime, slowDown);

            Console.WriteLine("Adjusted for a baseline of {0} milliseconds.", baseline);
            Console.WriteLine("Processing done! Press any key to quit.");

        const long Iterations = 9000000000;

        static long BenchmarkType(ICaster caster)
            var doer = new Doer();
            var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            for (long i = 0; i < Iterations; ++i)
                caster.Do(new A(), doer);
                caster.Do(new B(), doer);
                caster.Do(new C(), doer);
                caster.Do(new D(), doer);
                caster.Do(new E(), doer);
                caster.Do(new F(), doer);
            return watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

    public interface ICaster
        void Do(IDo o, Doer doer);

    public class Baseline : ICaster
        public void Do(IDo o, Doer doer) { }

    public class TypeDictionary : ICaster
        static Dictionary<Type, Action<Doer, object>> s_dict = new Dictionary<Type, Action<Doer, object>>()
            { typeof(A), (d, o) => d.Do((A)o) },
            { typeof(B), (d, o) => d.Do((B)o) },
            { typeof(C), (d, o) => d.Do((C)o) },
            { typeof(D), (d, o) => d.Do((D)o) },
            { typeof(E), (d, o) => d.Do((E)o) },
            { typeof(F), (d, o) => d.Do((F)o) },

        public void Do(IDo o, Doer doer)
            Action<Doer, object> actor;
            s_dict.TryGetValue(o.GetType(), out actor);
            actor(doer, o);

    public class HandleDict : ICaster
        static Dictionary<RuntimeTypeHandle, Action<Doer, object>> s_dict = new Dictionary<RuntimeTypeHandle, Action<Doer, object>>()
            { typeof(A).TypeHandle, (d, o) => d.Do((A)o) },
            { typeof(B).TypeHandle, (d, o) => d.Do((B)o) },
            { typeof(C).TypeHandle, (d, o) => d.Do((C)o) },
            { typeof(D).TypeHandle, (d, o) => d.Do((D)o) },
            { typeof(E).TypeHandle, (d, o) => d.Do((E)o) },
            { typeof(F).TypeHandle, (d, o) => d.Do((F)o) }

        public void Do(IDo o, Doer doer)
            s_dict[Type.GetTypeHandle(o)](doer, o);

    public class HandleElse : ICaster
        static RuntimeTypeHandle s_a = typeof(A).TypeHandle;
        static RuntimeTypeHandle s_b = typeof(B).TypeHandle;
        static RuntimeTypeHandle s_c = typeof(C).TypeHandle;
        static RuntimeTypeHandle s_d = typeof(D).TypeHandle;
        static RuntimeTypeHandle s_e = typeof(E).TypeHandle;
        static RuntimeTypeHandle s_f = typeof(F).TypeHandle;

        public void Do(IDo o, Doer doer)
            var handle = Type.GetTypeHandle(o);
            if (handle.Equals(s_a)) doer.Do((A)o);
            else if (handle.Equals(s_b)) doer.Do((B)o);
            else if (handle.Equals(s_c)) doer.Do((C)o);
            else if (handle.Equals(s_d)) doer.Do((D)o);
            else if (handle.Equals(s_e)) doer.Do((E)o);
            else if (handle.Equals(s_f)) doer.Do((F)o);

    public class IfIsCStyle : ICaster
        public void Do(IDo o, Doer doer)
            if (o is A)
            else if (o is B)
            else if (o is C)
            else if (o is D)
            else if (o is E)
            else if (o is F)

    public class TypeElse : ICaster
        public void Do(IDo o, Doer doer)
            var type = o.GetType();
            if (type == typeof(A)) doer.Do((A)o);
            else if (type == typeof(B)) doer.Do((B)o);
            else if (type == typeof(C)) doer.Do((C)o);
            else if (type == typeof(D)) doer.Do((D)o);
            else if (type == typeof(E)) doer.Do((E)o);
            else if (type == typeof(F)) doer.Do((F)o);

    public class CastAsEachTime : ICaster
        public void Do(IDo o, Doer doer)
            var a = o as A;
            var b = o as B;
            var c = o as C;
            var d = o as D;
            var e = o as E;
            var f = o as F;

            if (a != null)
            else if (b != null)
            else if (c != null)
            else if (d != null)
            else if (e != null)
            else if (f != null)

    public class Polymorphic : ICaster
        public void Do(IDo o, Doer doer)

    public class CastWithElse : ICaster
        public void Do(IDo o, Doer doer)
            var a = o as A;
            if (a != null)
                var b = o as B;
                if (b != null)
                    var c = o as C;
                    if (c != null)
                        var d = o as D;
                        if (d != null)
                            var e = o as E;
                            if (e != null)
                                var f = o as F;
                                if (f != null)

    public class PatternMatchIfElse : ICaster
        public void Do(IDo o, Doer doer)
            if (o is A a)
            else if (o is B b)
            else if (o is C c)
            else if (o is D d)
            else if (o is E e)
            else if (o is F f)

    public class PatternMatchSwitch : ICaster
        public void Do(IDo o, Doer doer)
            switch (o)
                case A a: doer.Do(a); break;
                case B b: doer.Do(b); break;
                case C c: doer.Do(c); break;
                case D d: doer.Do(d); break;
                case E e: doer.Do(e); break;
                case F f: doer.Do(f); break;

    public interface IDo { void Do(Doer doer); }

    public class A : IDo { public void Do(Doer doer) { ++doer.Count; } }
    public class B : IDo { public void Do(Doer doer) { ++doer.Count; } }
    public class C : IDo { public void Do(Doer doer) { ++doer.Count; } }
    public class D : IDo { public void Do(Doer doer) { ++doer.Count; } }
    public class E : IDo { public void Do(Doer doer) { ++doer.Count; } }
    public class F : IDo { public void Do(Doer doer) { ++doer.Count; } }

    public class Doer
        // Storing the number of iterations
        // just so the compiler can't optimize
        // away all the hard work we're benchmarking.
        public long Count;

        public void Do(A a) { a.Do(this); }
        public void Do(B b) { b.Do(this); }
        public void Do(C c) { c.Do(this); }
        public void Do(D d) { d.Do(this); }
        public void Do(E e) { e.Do(this); }
        public void Do(F f) { f.Do(this); }

    //public class TryCatchC : ICaster
    //    public void Do(IDo o, Doer doer)
    //    {
    //        try
    //        {
    //            ((A)o).Do(doer);
    //        }
    //        catch (InvalidCastException)
    //        {
    //            try
    //            {
    //                ((B)o).Do(doer);
    //            }
    //            catch (InvalidCastException)
    //            {
    //                try
    //                {
    //                    ((C)o).Do(doer);
    //                }
    //                catch (InvalidCastException)
    //                {
    //                    try
    //                    {
    //                        ((D)o).Do(doer);
    //                    }
    //                    catch (InvalidCastException)
    //                    {
    //                        try
    //                        {
    //                            ((E)o).Do(doer);
    //                        }
    //                        catch (InvalidCastException)
    //                        {
    //                            ((F)o).Do(doer);
    //                        }
    //                    }
    //                }
    //            }
    //        }
    //    }